Some exciting news since the last time I posted! Natalie turned 7 years old. We just had a small birthday party for her. The plan is for us to go to her favorite horse farm and go riding at some point. Just haven't set the date yet for that. Also, Kolton has two teeth now and is almost sitting up by himself! He is getting so big! He eats half cheerios and is enjoying his cereal now. Tristin is done with soccer (thank goodness) and we are busy with Popcorn sales for cubscouts. He learned how to shoot his new little bow that we picked up on a garage sale this summer. Looks just like his Dad standing out there! Keith does a great job teaching him how to correctly do it. Even I took a little was fun! I'm not as bad as Keith says I am =0) !! Lets see...Lola...she has been busy with Preschool and "helping Mommy". She totes around after me and helps me with whatever I'm doing. She's sweet and growing up to be quite the young lady! Keith is still busy at work and likes to spend time in the work shop on his days off. He is almost finished up with the trim work for Kolton's room. It looks so nice! As for myself, I'm busy with this and that. The kids keep me busy during the day and in between activities and chores I'm still sewing. I have a new little doll I'm working on that says "I'm a REAL princess, my father is the king of kings" on her belly. I'm going to give her a little crown. She will be cute! I also started selling for Uppercase Living. I'm having an Open House next Sat., which family and friends reading this should have received an invite yesterday. For those of you that didn't let me know...your always Welcome! You can check out the online catalog at and enter the ID: 599343 and token: Thompson, to view it! It is really an awesome product and I know everyone is going to love it! GREAT company to work for and GREAT extra money for the holidays. Any questions, just let me know.
Well, I guess that is about it for now. The kids are still sleeping upstairs and Kieth is off to work, so I think I'm going to take advantage of this quite time to get some work done...wish me luck! Have a GREAT weekend and I hope to talk to you all soon!
ps~ You can post comments by hitting the button. Let me know what's going on in YOUR day!
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