I love the simpleness of my life!! I'm blessed to see and notice the simple joys of the day (at least I hope I see all of them). Walking into the kitchen, we have Barbies little bug parked..packed full which you can't see from this view, and then as you can see, one little one boosting up another peeking into the window to have a conversation. I LOVE IT! What these guys come up with! I just stop and look and crack up!! So I grab the camera to share with all of you and of course my husband Keith, who just smiles and humors me. I love him for that! Well, yesterday was a good but not too productive day. I did get my laundry almost done, floor half swept, and the fish
tank cleaned out. My to do list is always longer and never caught up with the done list. For some reason it always rolls over into today, so I can continue on... Today we have groceries to buy and errands to run. I wish we could just stay home due to the frigid temperatures, but Kolton is down to his last two diapers-not good! I'm working on some new doll patterns and hope to get some made over the weekend! Pictured is a oatmeal colored chenille doll, which is one of my favorites since I love every single shade of brown. I enjoy, really love working on my dolls throughout the day. Sometimes it's the only thing to tuck myself away with to keep sane... maybe that's why I don't get my to do list done...=0) I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! STAY WARM! ~Tina

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