As an artist looks at a blank canvas...so I look at this pile of fabric. Oh the possiblities and excitement to see what comes from this pile of scrap! I love getting up early and getting things done. As you can see in the background of this photo the sky just starting to light up and of course my mug of coffee getting the day started right! The house is so quite, which around here doesn't happen unless it is before 7am or after 9pm (which I am not a late night person so I'm ready for bed by this time). I love the busyness of our home. I love all the kids voices and tramping around, coming in and going out! I will miss that someday! Don't get me wrong sometimes I get CRAZY...but during the day if the house is quite something is missing, it's too eeary quite. But oh those early mornings...I cherish them! Just quite time...quite time just for me. Time to pray, time to get things gathered up for the day, time to work, time to ponder. This morning as I was cutting away, I was thinking about creation. My dolls for example are made from one basic pattern, but yet each one comes out looking different and having their own little "personality". I related that to us and how the Lord created each one of us. Using the same pattern he made each one of us. We are all the same, but yet so different. We each look different, have different gifts, different personalities. As excited as I get with my "blank canvas" with creating my dolls...I just can't comprehend how excited and full of love the Lord was when He knew what we would be before the earth was even formed.... WOW... Just a little tidbit of my early morning quite house ponderings..........................................
So in other Thompson news, we have a derby car in the making! Keith and Tristin have been hard at work making the fastest derby car in town! It's such a blessing to watch them! Here are a few pictures.

So what's up for the rest of the day???? Laundry and sewing....maybe some dusting since I see gray shadows...and the fish tank needs a good cleaning! Wish me luck with all that! A Ruebee friend, Robin had a good blog post about managing your time. I need to work on that. Sometimes it is hard to manage time when you fly by the seat of your pants with kids and daycare and my doll ministry and Church ministry and housework and school and preschool and dance and cubscouts and brownies and horseback riding lessons and Uppercase living and Reflexology and hmmmmmm let me look at my calendar to see what I missed this week. =) Excuses! Excuses!! It's because of all that, that I need to manage my time better!!!! I love it all and feel blessed with everything the Lord gives me each day! The rest of it waits for tomorrow........lol
Have a wonderful week everyone!!
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