Monday, January 26, 2009

Who is Jesus?

Growing up I always believed there was a God. I prayed the sinner's prayer many times and knew of this Jesus that was the "only way". But yet my mind did not understand this Jesus and His role. I guess today though I pray that He would continue to reveal Himself to me, I still don't fully understand and will probably not be able to wrap my earthly bound mind around the complete truth of it until I'm standing there right next to Him. All my life I was a crisis prayer. I only depended on God when I was in a rough patch and wanted Him to bail me out. The crisis would pass and then I would go about my usual business. But the void was always there...the void that only this Jesus person could fill.
I'm reading the book, "The Jesus Style" by Gayle D. Erwin. It is an awesome book that helps bring our mind to understand Jesus and who He really was...not just what our mind has brought Him to be. So who is Jesus....
"Since Jesus is everything that God is but expressed bodily form ad since all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him, we can each say:
If I am to know God, I will know him through Jesus.
If I am to gain knowledge, it is deposited in Jesus.
If I am to have wisdom, i will find it in Jesus.
If God dwells in me, it is because Jesus dwells in me.
If I wish to study God, I must study Jesus.
If the Holy Spirit is active in my life, I will hear him speak of Jesus.
His personality, his life and his words are to be grasped and assimilated with all our energy. In everything he must have supremacy."
I just loved that! The only way to know God is to know Jesus. They only way to eternal to know Jesus! Jesus is the bridge over our sin to our Father. He washes us clean! I've attached a link to He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado! It is awesome!!
My prayer is that if you don't know or understand this Jesus...that you will. That we may take one step closer everyday in our understanding Him and His will for this life He has given us.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

While scrolling through the pictures this morning...
I thought I'd catch you up on a little of Christmas morning!
Here is Kolton and Daddy

Miss Lola

Natalie with her boot stocking


Then, here is Daddy with his stocking

And me (Mommy)
=) I did not want a stocking, so Keith took it upon himself to hang one of his old Army socks up there and stuffed it full...can you guess what I got?!
Never a dull moment!
And looking back at the is pretty funny!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Profile Pictures ~YUCK!

So I was thinking that my twitter and blog posts need a profile picture right? Well here is my awful attempt at putting my mug on here. As you can see...not very clear first of all, then what's going on behind me? Shoes and drying dishes? Obviously not much thought there... and I guess I could have dressed up a little more, even though I do sport my "i heart keith" shirt throughout the week... Then the angle is kind of funny. But I guess we all find things that are wrong with our own picture right?! And thinking realistically as I type this out, it is a pretty good picture of the real me. Sometimes not really clear with a few clean dishes and a couple dirty shoes! The only thing that is missing is a bunch of kids and doll parts! =)

Any good profile picture advice out there?? Give me your thoughts!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

SNOW Much Fun!

It's a bit warmer today...we are up to like 20 degrees!! I never thought that I would say that 20 degrees feels pretty darn good! We've had SNOW Much Fun today out in the backyard! The snow just isn't packing so we have one lump snowmen! =) Natalie's snowman had a cold little head, so we thought we would add some BbB charm and add a scripture crown.

Here is the start of Lola's snowman...

And the finished product!

Tristin's Ranger snowman...complete with clothes pin eyes =)

And here is Tristin with his "snow plow" making paths to his snow fort.

And of course we ALWAYS have to finish off SNOW Much Fun with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

That's our Lola...
In yesterdays news.....

Kolton is hanging out with his PaPa at Tristin's Pinewood Derby

Tristin did so great!! I first have to share (because I think it is so funny) that when Keith and Tristin first cut out his car it looked like a paddle. Keith joked and said they should call it "The Enforcer" in which Tristin responded..." Yeah, because we are going to whoop everybody's butt!" Well they didn't whoop everybody's butt, but he did SO GOOD and came home with two trophies and one ribbon. He was tickled!! GO TRISTIN!!

Friday, January 16, 2009's COLD outside!!

Whew! We woke up to -13 degree's people! When the snot in your nose freezes when you breath...that's COLD! =) Okay, more than you wanted to know I'm sure. But it has been cold the past few days. Bitter cold! I looked out the front window a couple of days ago and there was poor Coda sleeping in one of the old wash tubs I use to plant my flowers. He was all cuddled in and covered in snow. I felt so bad for him and had to go out to make sure he was okay...from the house I could see he was breathing but I couldn't believe he let the snow cover him like that. Actually the dirt underneath him was warm so he was okay, well other than the fact that I interrupted his nap.
We did not have school today and yesterday a two hour delay due to the cold and snow. The Thompson house is mad with crazy children! ~Please Pray!! =)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The girls and I were drawing/coloring last night. They love it when they start a picture and then I will take it and secretly add to it, then they finish it! It really is fun and a great way to use the blank sides of old school papers. Natalie really loved how this one turned out and I thought I would frame it for her room. I found an old frame and dug it out.
Guess what picture was inside....

This is my Natalie....
Oh how sweet are memories!
Then I think how quickly time passes us by.
Give those babies of yours a big smoosh today!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekend Fun...

On Saturday evening, we celebrated cousin Julia's 5th birthday! Greg (Keith's big brother) and Jill have two girls. I unfortunately forgot my camera, so wasn't able to capture any pictures of the Birthday girl, but Jill sent these pictures over yesterday.
Kelly (pictured) and Kolton have really have gotten closer over the holiday's. She is about six months older than Kolton and refers to him as "Boy". I know she can say Kolton, but she lovingly says, "Hi Boy!". Kelly is so sweet always playing Mother-hen and taking very good care of all of Kolton's needs. Even those needs that he doesn't realize he has, like when he needs a drink out of his sippy cup. =) So here they are...partner's in crime sitting so sweet together. The second picture is Kelly trying to put Kolton's boots back on after he kicks them off.
I know they are cute guys...but we are going to have to keep an eye on these two!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year everyone!! This is my first "Thompson" post from last year. I threw everything together at the BbB blog, and felt that it was best to put all the BbB news there and all of our "Thompson Blessings" here!!

This post will be a short one due to our bi-weekly preschool run. It is almost time to start getting on socks, boots, coats, hats, and gloves. Oh, and throw in a potty break before that. We have a load of five children to load up so it takes a while. Carson, one of my daycare children is in his last year of preschool.
Pictured is my sweet Natalie and I when she was Jr Homecoming attendant about a month ago. I have many more pictures that I will be sharing soon.
Talk to you all later!!
Much love and blessings~Tina