Growing up I always believed there was a God. I prayed the sinner's prayer many times and knew of this Jesus that was the "only way". But yet my mind did not understand this Jesus and His role. I guess today though I pray that He would continue to reveal Himself to me, I still don't fully understand and will probably not be able to wrap my earthly bound mind around the complete truth of it until I'm standing there right next to Him. All my life I was a crisis prayer. I only depended on God when I was in a rough patch and wanted Him to bail me out. The crisis would pass and then I would go about my usual business. But the void was always there...the void that only this Jesus person could fill.
I'm reading the book, "The Jesus Style" by Gayle D. Erwin. It is an awesome book that helps bring our mind to understand Jesus and who He really was...not just what our mind has brought Him to be. So who is Jesus....
"Since Jesus is everything that God is but expressed bodily form ad since all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him, we can each say:
If I am to know God, I will know him through Jesus.
If I am to gain knowledge, it is deposited in Jesus.
If I am to have wisdom, i will find it in Jesus.
If God dwells in me, it is because Jesus dwells in me.
If I wish to study God, I must study Jesus.
If the Holy Spirit is active in my life, I will hear him speak of Jesus.
His personality, his life and his words are to be grasped and assimilated with all our energy. In everything he must have supremacy."
I just loved that! The only way to know God is to know Jesus. They only way to eternal life...is to know Jesus! Jesus is the bridge over our sin to our Father. He washes us clean! I've attached a link to He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado! It is awesome!!
My prayer is that if you don't know or understand this Jesus...that you will. That we may take one step closer everyday in our understanding Him and His will for this life He has given us.
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