Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Love....

Sometimes there are moments that my Love does things that just makes me smile....

Yesterday had one of those moments when Keith picked up his bow before he left for work and had a little practice in shirt and tie. =) It was so cute. He makes fun of me when I pick up my camera, but I'm glad he allows me to capture his cuteness!

Then, Father like son...Kolton put on his cuteness when he went in and grabbed his camera as well!


Loved and Blessed!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Play-doh fun!

So what has Mr. Kolton been up to since the kids started school?

Keeping me busy that's what!! HA!

With no one to play with but Momma...we are looking for new things to spend our time on.

We've had Play-doh out before...but really this is the first time this summer. He loved it! I think he really loved playing with it however he wanted. He really relaxed and enjoyed it! I think maybe because he wasn't always in "defend" or "that's mine" mode. Being the fourth in line...sometimes I think he feels like it is survival of the fittest!

Kolton you are almost 3 1/2 yrs old and a bundle of joy!
Your always making me smile!
Your very energetic and as Grandma Shopp would say...have no sit in your butt!

He was on cloud nine with his squishy doh!

He loved making "worms"!

And orange really seems to be his color of preference.

It was nice to just sit, him and I!

I love that special time with each one of our children.

They are growing up so fast and that is one of the reasons I have decided to start documenting here on the blog again. After being so blessed by the few past posts that I did type...I want to use this blog as our family journal. To make sweet notes about our Journey, our Love and our Blessings!

Loved and Blessed!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Thompson's -Our journey, our love...our Blessings!

We left off a year ago...and we are back! It was so awesome to peek on here this morning and see last years school pictures. Oh how they've all grown!

They were all ready to get back to school. A little sorry that they now have to stick to a bed time routine...but looking forward to another year of school adventure!

I keep looking at their picture as I type this...they are so cute! I think I will keep them! HA!

Noticing that Tristin wore his old jeans even though he has four new pair in his dresser...oh well. Then our Miss Lola is going out in true Lola style!

I DID notice this and even tried to talk her into a different pair of shoes with no success. She had her mind set. I don't argue. She is my beautiful flower and I pray she never changes!

They had a wonderful day and I just love being home to hear all of the after school chatter! Homework has been light the past few days, which I am cherishing!

We will see what today brings!

Loved and Blessed,