So what has Mr. Kolton been up to since the kids started school?
Keeping me busy that's what!! HA!
With no one to play with but Momma...we are looking for new things to spend our time on.
We've had Play-doh out before...but really this is the first time this summer. He loved it! I think he really loved playing with it however he wanted. He really relaxed and enjoyed it! I think maybe because he wasn't always in "defend" or "that's mine" mode. Being the fourth in line...sometimes I think he feels like it is survival of the fittest!
Kolton you are almost 3 1/2 yrs old and a bundle of joy!
Your always making me smile!
Your very energetic and as Grandma Shopp would say...have no sit in your butt!
He was on cloud nine with his squishy doh!
He loved making "worms"!
It was nice to just sit, him and I!
I love that special time with each one of our children.
They are growing up so fast and that is one of the reasons I have decided to start documenting here on the blog again. After being so blessed by the few past posts that I did type...I want to use this blog as our family journal. To make sweet notes about our Journey, our Love and our Blessings!
Loved and Blessed!
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