Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I will NOT give up! =)

It has been a few days since I last posted. I will NOT give up! =)

This morning Lola woke early and went downstairs. I was still in bed but heard someone get up and go down. A few minutes later I got up and noticed someone on the couch but it was dark and I didn't know who it was. I went about my business. About five minutes later Lola comes out to the kitchen holding her Bible. She said, "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would get up and have a little quiet Bible time." I smiled. "In the dark?" I answered. "YEP!, I thought it would be good since I couldn't sleep." I agreed with her. She and followed right on my heels. Talking...talking...talking... I was not in the talking mood! But I listened, smiled, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sipped coffee while she went on and on. She spoke a lot about my morning routine. Like she was curious about what I did before they got up and she helped with every bit of it. It was hard for me because I treasure those quiet morning moments before all ciaos breaks loose. But the Holy Spirit gently reminded me to treasure these moments and filled my heart with joy.

That is the purpose of this blog. I want to remember all the sweet blessings. Too much time has past from the moment Tristin was born and too many memories and little details forgotten.

So someday, Lola as you read this post, remember how much I love you and treasured our early morning together! And thank you for putting away the silverware.... =)


Lately we've been blessed with an abundance of butterflies...or maybe moths...but we call them butterflies.

There have been over a hundred at a time on the stone crop that runs along our driveway. It's always been a butterfly favorite, but never like this.
The kids noticed them first and would run along the plants with their arm stretched over top. It looked like something in a movie, they way they all flew up. Pretty awesome!

(See the praying mantis? They LOVE the butterflies too!)

We had the tent up because Tristin wanted to make a fort out of it in the yard. I was busy on the porch finishing dolls and I hear them laughing and going back in forth from the front flower bed to the back yard.
I went to check it out...
They were catching butterflies and putting them in the tent!
It was an afternoon of great fun!!

They had loads of fun! Kolton enjoyed it as well and would scream every time a butterfly landed on his finger (he was taking a nap when these pictures where taken). He would catch them by the wings and let them go. Once he was trying to catch a butterfly and they kept flying off. He turned his back to me while chasing after them and two butterfly's were on the back of his shirt! I guess they felt like that was a safe hiding spot!
It was a great Sunday afternoon!
Loved and Blessed

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