Monday was your first day of Preschool! You go to Care-A-Lot Learning Center, which is the same preschool that your big brother and sisters went! Miss Brandy is your teacher. You couldn't WAIT to go!! When I said it was time for school you went and got your shoes and backpack immediately! Mommy made a mental note to wait a little longer to tell you next time because we had at least a half hour yet before we had to leave. I think the most dramatic part of your morning was when I had to wet and comb your hair. We both know that I don't slick you down very often...sorry.
When it was time to go, you wanted to sit in Lola's car seat. I let you because you are such a big boy (and you DO weigh over 30 lbs). It was very special for you!
...and humoring me taking your picture so much.
I came back a little early because I wanted to peek in and see how you were doing. Of course you were doing great! You were sitting at your table drinking an apple juice box. You also had a cheese stick which you pointed at and said YUCK! You listened when the teacher said to throw things away and even asked to be excused, though Miss Brandy didn't understand what you were asking! HA!
You stood and followed in line for the very first time today.
You rode the bikes outside on the playground that went around and around. I think this was your favorite because you spoke about it often and it was the first thing you told Daddy.
I think you had a very good first day! You were very tired and ready to go home, but today is your second day of school and your excited to go back again.
You are such a big boy!
I am very proud of you!!
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