Monday, October 4, 2010

13 years today...

When I think back over my life...I can't really remember a time without you. Today we celebrate 13 years of marriage. All my wonderful memories all include you.

...I am so thankful.

I look back at the journey, remember and still feel the love that carries us through.

You've loved me. Never left matter what.

I love you Keith William Thompson, my love grows stronger each day.

God knew when He placed us together what we needed. He knew I needed you.

Looking forward to the blessings yet to come and praising Him for those we've already had.

Loved and Blessed
Your wife~Tina

Friday, September 17, 2010

Note to self....

Just a quick note for remembrance....
I love it when Kolton gets up and yells "MOMMY!" down the steps.
Yes, I still walk up and carry him and his silky down. Everyday.
I love you sweet Kolton!

Saturday Morning Sisters...

Play-doh never gets old!

My sweet sweet girls!

They love playing together!

Busy making their spongebob characters!

Oh, but then....

after MUCH hard work....

Here he comes!

Oh, yes...gotta love the little brother!

Did I mention sweet girls?? They slid over and let him play too!

Saturday morning play-doh is much better than Saturday morning cartoons...I least I think! =)

Tristin's first soccer game of the season!

Tristin's first soccer game was September 9th. He played Botkins @ Botkins.

Because he was one of the top five oldest in his class...he was able to get bumped up to the U14 team. Boy was he happy. As his momma, I wasn't quite sure I was as excited. AS you can clearly see, almost all of the boys have a bit of a height advantage.

But all is well! He is on a very nice team with wonderful boys and a great coach. Tristin has been enjoying his practices which typically are Mon. Tues and Thurs.

We on the sidelines cheer hard (when we are allowed) and play hard!

Crazy Mr. Kolton and Grandma Thompson with Lola....

Tickle time with Natalie and catching Grandpa Thompson in a picture....

I just love them!

I was trying to capture Kolton's hair...but my camera didn't. He had preschool the day before and we caked his hair with gel. The result (since we didn't take a bath that night) was a head full of flakes! Yes, your Mother noticed but publicly displayed you that way. -sorry, I do love you!

Kolton and Grandpa (oh and Keith and I were there too! HA!)

The team
(sorry Tristin, the team lost 9 - 0...but you had fun and had an awesome/almost goal kick!)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day!

The boys were off to a race at Eldora Speedway
and we had heard of a very special visitor {aka Gma Roop}
at Grandma Shopps, so the kids and I spent the afternoon
at the Farm.
I wish I would have taken more pictures.

The kids took turns climbing the windmill for the first time!

Your not going to leave Kolton behind...but he got a little fussy
when Momma told him he couldn't go any higher.

The kids even got a couple pictures of me.
I almost didn't put them on here...but figured they might
want to remember what I looked like too!
HA! =)

We had bunches of fun.
The corn crib is a favorite!
Jill and the girls came over and we had Market/Gas Station pizza for supper.
We had a 16" deluxe and a 16" pepperoni....I only add that for a personal note
to myself to order more next time! They were hungry!!

Blessed and Loved,

World's LARGEST Pickle!

What you are looking at is two very spoiled pickle lovin' kids!
Grandpa and Grandma Thompson has kept us WELL in supply of fresh from the garden pickles and salsa. They are a FAVORITE and the pickles have become a regular on the table next to the ketchup. We all know what a place of honor that is in this household!
Well Grandpa hooked them up with the largest pickles of the year! Four pickles filled a quart jar. Mouths watered over them....they were savored...they were LOVED!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!
Our two pickle lovers cherished every bite!

The butterflies are still here!

The butterflies are still going strong...and we are loving them!