Monday, April 14, 2008

Yay FREE Friday Winner!!!!

The winner can be found at Baby be Blessed blog, which is listed in the post below this one. Please bookmark my new blog site for great giveaways and all the household news on the Thompson's. THANKS!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Yay Free Friday!

Another week has gone by and it's time again for

Yay...Free Friday!!

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

~She measures 17" tall

~Body is made from yellow dot minky

~Red yarn which is stitched right into the seam

and pulled back into pony tails with yellow ribbons.

~Safety eyes and handstitched mouth and lashes.

~Cotton dress with elastic top and trimmed with yellow ribbon

~Stuffed with cluster stuff stuffing.


To enter simply leave me your contact info in the comments.
I will be drawing the winner on Monday!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

My girl Natalie Rachel...

I love all my children equally! They are all so perfect and have different gifts and personalities. My Natalie was the second born, first daughter, and is 7 yrs old. Out of all four of our children, she is the most like me. Which is not all good, because there are traits that she has of mine that I wish she didn't. :) We are the only two that do not have brown eyes in the house (even our dog has brown eyes). She looks like me, is stubborn like me, gets her feelings hurt easily like me, and has a passion for art and animals... like me. She is the one in the van who notices how the trees and the sky are so beautiful. When I scold her and she is heart broken, my heart breaks along with hers. I know exactly how she is feeling. I want to cry with her and tell her it is okay, but as a Mommy who is disciplining I can't always do that. My heart aches...
Well last year when we decided for her to give up dance and take riding lessons, we both were very excited. Though I don't take the lessons (I wish I could) I love spending time together just her and I. The half hour drive just with her. Talking with just her. Watching her receive instruction like such a young lady and embracing her passion makes me so happy. I love having those moments with each of them and I pray that it is as fulfilling for them as it is for us! Last night was riding lessons and I made sure to take my camera. I know I posted last year after she started riding, but my old camera took terrible pictures, so I wanted to share again some special pictures of Natalie and Daxie.

Daxie is a 19 yr old Quarter Horse, and we both just LOVE her to pieces! She is very relaxed and is perfect for all of the "little natalie's" out there. There are a lot of horses in the barn so I get some lovey time with them as Natalie is taking her lessons. They all have different personalities, likes and dislikes.

Riding lessons just aren't riding around the arena....

But Tack...

And Grooming..

Hoof picking...

Treat Giving...

Putting Daxie back in the stall...



Natalie LOVES every single bit. Her trainers name is Shelly at Shady Lane Stables and she does a wonderful job teaching Natalie not only the fun part, but ALL parts of riding and taking care of a horse. I will leave you today with my favorite photo. Have a wonderful Thursday!!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Are you excited??

Are you excited and anxious to know who won
Yay Free Friday Giveaway????
So am I!!!!!






I will be mailing out your little bundle soon!

Have a great Monday everyone!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Yay Free Friday!

It's Friday....which means I have my Yay Free Friday Giveaway!!

~Made from Minky Giraffe Print
~Measures a sweet 10" tall
~Safety eyes and handstitched nose
~Cream ribbon bow around neck

To enter simply leave me your contact info in the comments.

I will be drawing the winner on Monday!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Better Time Management!

Who has any advice or tips out there for me?? It is funny because as I'm talking about better time management, I'm sitting in front of this computer....ugh.

Some days I feel I have too much on my plate. Heck, some days I DO have too much on my plate!! =0) But my poor brain just can't take it any longer. So to get my life re-adjusted with GODLY time management, I have started making a daily list. I've been a short streak list maker. It helps and I do good for a few days and then I fall back into my old habits. Not Anymore!! Most of the time it is just sitting down and writing the silly stuff down. I just try to remember, but now things are falling through the cracks and I don't like that.

So give me your tips and advice!! My tipful advice is to start making lists!! We will work on this together!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

And the Winner is.....

Congratulations to.....(drum roll please)...samualnst@yahoo.comm!!
I will have another giveaway on Friday, so please check back for more!
So in other Monday news..........

We had a nice weekend! Tristin had his Pinewood derby this Saturday and got third place in his pack. He was so excited! Keith and Tristin are already making mental notes and planning for next years big event!! Here are some pictures of the big day!!

Have a great Monday everyone!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

FREE Friday!!!! YAY!!

Yay....Free Friday!! I'm going to start posting a giveaway every Friday. I didn't decide that however until just now, so since I didn't have a change to make something I'm going to offer my sweet dear snow baby which has been for sale at Etsy forever and marked down forever with no takers. I think I saw a tear on her cheek feeling that nobody loves her....=0)

She measures 16" tall, has white chenille head/arms/legs, and a blue print flannel body trimmed with lace. Her face is handstitched along with the heart on her chest. I gave her soft pink fleece hair. I broke out the old crochet needles and whipped her up a little light pink scarf to finish off her perfect outfit. She is stuffed with the best stuffing and made for the little ones to drag around.

This is how it will work. On Friday I will post my free giveaway, then I need you all to post your email in the comment section under this listing. I will contact and announce the winner on Monday!! GOOD LUCK!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter 2008

So here was our crew on Easter. It was so funny because early in the morning the girls were up and ran downstairs. They then flew up to our room announcing that it was Easter!! Keith asked how come on Christmas we had to wake them up and Easter morning they were up before the sun! It was cute! We enjoyed a day of Fellowship at Church and then the annual Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's who live right across the street from us. It was a great family day celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bath Time Bootie

How come chubby thighs and a curded butt looks so darn cute on him but so bad on me?! =0)
There is nothing as cute as a babys bare butt....well, a clean bare butt!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Kolton!

Happy Birthday last week to by oldest Baby and now this week to my youngest Baby....It's enough to make a Mommy cry! Kolton turned one yesterday! The year just flew right by! He did not enjoy his birthday very much at all! He cried over everything and didn't even want any cake or ice cream. I think he is teething again as you can tell by his wet shirt. I just kept telling him that it was okay and it was his party and he could cry if he wanted to! =0) So first is a picture of all of us thanks to Aunt Michelle. It's not very often we get a family picture. Second is my little party crew...all four of my little Thompson's! Talk to you all soon!!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Tristin!

Happy 9th Birthday Tristin!!
How could nine years have passed already?? Tristin smarter beyond his years....such a thinker! He decided to have an ice cream pie instead of a cake this year. I must agree that it was a yummy choice!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Spring is coming...

If it is going to be might as well have the beautiful snow coming down!! But I looked out my dining room window and LOOK!!!! Spring is coming....... I wish I could have gotten a better picture of him. He was so beautiful and looking right at the camera~SMILE!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

My Blank Canvas!

As an artist looks at a blank I look at this pile of fabric. Oh the possiblities and excitement to see what comes from this pile of scrap! I love getting up early and getting things done. As you can see in the background of this photo the sky just starting to light up and of course my mug of coffee getting the day started right! The house is so quite, which around here doesn't happen unless it is before 7am or after 9pm (which I am not a late night person so I'm ready for bed by this time). I love the busyness of our home. I love all the kids voices and tramping around, coming in and going out! I will miss that someday! Don't get me wrong sometimes I get CRAZY...but during the day if the house is quite something is missing, it's too eeary quite. But oh those early mornings...I cherish them! Just quite time...quite time just for me. Time to pray, time to get things gathered up for the day, time to work, time to ponder. This morning as I was cutting away, I was thinking about creation. My dolls for example are made from one basic pattern, but yet each one comes out looking different and having their own little "personality". I related that to us and how the Lord created each one of us. Using the same pattern he made each one of us. We are all the same, but yet so different. We each look different, have different gifts, different personalities. As excited as I get with my "blank canvas" with creating my dolls...I just can't comprehend how excited and full of love the Lord was when He knew what we would be before the earth was even formed.... WOW... Just a little tidbit of my early morning quite house ponderings..........................................

So in other Thompson news, we have a derby car in the making! Keith and Tristin have been hard at work making the fastest derby car in town! It's such a blessing to watch them! Here are a few pictures.

So what's up for the rest of the day???? Laundry and sewing....maybe some dusting since I see gray shadows...and the fish tank needs a good cleaning! Wish me luck with all that! A Ruebee friend, Robin had a good blog post about managing your time. I need to work on that. Sometimes it is hard to manage time when you fly by the seat of your pants with kids and daycare and my doll ministry and Church ministry and housework and school and preschool and dance and cubscouts and brownies and horseback riding lessons and Uppercase living and Reflexology and hmmmmmm let me look at my calendar to see what I missed this week. =) Excuses! Excuses!! It's because of all that, that I need to manage my time better!!!! I love it all and feel blessed with everything the Lord gives me each day! The rest of it waits for
Have a wonderful week everyone!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thank you Amy!

It is a special treat for me to receive photo's of my dolls after they arrive at their new home, so it was a blessing when Amy surprised me with a sweet thank you after she received her doll. She said this little chair has been sitting empty and doesn't little grace just fit perfectly?? So, THANK YOU SO MUCH AMY for taking the time to send me this picture. I printed it off and I'm on my way to hang it by my sewing machine! ~Tina

Sunday, February 10, 2008

We've got a winner!!

Congratulations Jill Perryman...YOU are the winner!!!!!!!!!!!

A BIG BIG thank you to everyone who gave design ideas and who entered to win. I'm sure I will be doing this again soon. SOOOO much fun!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

My Covenant with you...

"A rainbow doll with the scripture13 I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth Gen: 9:13" Joann Wheeler
Joann...your design was picked!!

Thank you all for your ideas...and don't be sad, you just might see your design used in the future!!

"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth." Genesis 9:13

She measures 17" tall is made from various colors of minky and chenille, safety eyes with handstitched lashes and mouth. Her cotton yarn hair has been stitched directly into the seam and pulled back into pony tails. She is wearing a special rainbow scripture patch on her belly as a reminder of God's promise that He will never destroy the earth with a flood again. She is stuffed with cluster stuff and is so soft to snuggle and squeeze!! Sure to be a perfect friend for any child or adult!!!

Now...who wants to win her???????????????????

Please leave a comment with your email address. I will pick the winner on SUNDAY and get her shipped out to her new home first thing Monday morning!

This was fun!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

And the Designer Winner is....

I picked a design from the pot and guess who won????

You'll have to come back tomomorrow to find out!!!!!!!!


Thanks to everyone who participated!

Good Morning!

No that's not smoke from the fireplace coming from my's from my sewing machine working on this pile which will be 13 dolls when I'm done! I shouldn't joke about that because my Grandmother's old Singer sewing machine DID fill the room with smoke years ago....figured I shouldn't use it anymore after that!
Anyway...I'm plugging away on some dolls for all of you. Some custom orders which I so appreciate and YES- I still need to cut out and sew my giveaway doll!! I am thrilled with all your suggestions so I think I'll wait until Noon (Ohio time) and then throw all your ideas in a pot and pick one. So you still have a chance to give me an idea so let me know! Oh and don't be shy...if you have a couple ideas...let's hear them!
Thanks!! I'll be talking to you soon!!

Monday, February 4, 2008


I've donated to blog giveaway's but never have had my I thought I would try one! Tomorrow I will list a doll to give away! How fun! So please check things out tomorrow for the doll that could possibly be yours! Any ideas on a doll design?? Feel free to comment and help me with the design!!
Lets make this more fun! Give me your idea's through Thursday and then I will have the Giveaway doll up for a drawing on Saturday morning. That means you will have to come back and leave me a comment Friday for your chance of winning. I can't wait!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Day of Rest

Wanting to sleep in this morning...I woke at 5:30 to my sweet boy yelling "Ma Ma...Ma Ma" in his crib. So I roll out of bed and stumble down the hall. You can't help at smile at that cute face...even if it IS 5:30 a.m.! So as I get Kolton settled in with his morning bottle and cartoons, I put on the ole' pot of coffee and start the day. It's hard for me to actually get up that early (Kolton always gives me a little help) but I love early mornings. It was 1degree...that's cold. The cat's thought it was cold to, as I went outside to feed them. Coda ,the only male, didn't even get out of the little kitty condo Keith made them. I peeked in at him and he looked at me as if to say..."yeah right, I'm not getting out-not even for breakfast!" As I was outside facing the cold, the trees cracked when the wind blew like there were ice on them. No ice-just freezing cold! But we had the most beautiful sun rise. The picture only captured some of the beauty. We had a wonderful morning at Church and even though it is so darn cold, the sun is shining bright! This afternoon we are just lounging around. I'm going to have the kids pick out a movie and just relax under my big old quilt with my babies around me. Keith is busy out in the workshop...which for him is a day of rest and enjoyment. He is still working hard on the trim. Our amaryllis bloomed today! We will have four blooms on it this year. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Would you give me a boost??

I love the simpleness of my life!! I'm blessed to see and notice the simple joys of the day (at least I hope I see all of them). Walking into the kitchen, we have Barbies little bug parked..packed full which you can't see from this view, and then as you can see, one little one boosting up another peeking into the window to have a conversation. I LOVE IT! What these guys come up with! I just stop and look and crack up!! So I grab the camera to share with all of you and of course my husband Keith, who just smiles and humors me. I love him for that! Well, yesterday was a good but not too productive day. I did get my laundry almost done, floor half swept, and the fish tank cleaned out. My to do list is always longer and never caught up with the done list. For some reason it always rolls over into today, so I can continue on... Today we have groceries to buy and errands to run. I wish we could just stay home due to the frigid temperatures, but Kolton is down to his last two diapers-not good! I'm working on some new doll patterns and hope to get some made over the weekend! Pictured is a oatmeal colored chenille doll, which is one of my favorites since I love every single shade of brown. I enjoy, really love working on my dolls throughout the day. Sometimes it's the only thing to tuck myself away with to keep sane... maybe that's why I don't get my to do list done...=0) I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! STAY WARM! ~Tina

Friday, January 18, 2008

Good Morning!

It's a cold but beautiful morning! You never can tell what the weather is going to be like in Ohio and sometimes it changes within the hour...but as long as the sun is makes for a happy day. Our house has a lot of windows so weather or not the sun is shining makes a big difference inside!
I listed a couple of dolls this morning and wanted to share. This little gal is offered at a discounted price because her arms didn't quite line up straight...but she is still pretty darn cute!
Every one is doing well here at the Thompson house. Natalie was a little ill last night, but is better today and enjoying spending the day at home. When the kids don't feel well it is a special treat to hang out in Mom and Dads room watching TV and being waited on hand and foot. Makes you feel a little better. But everyone else is doing fine...Keith is hard at work on refinishing the woodwork still. We currently have a sheet hanging for our bathroom door because our door and bathroom trim is out in the work shop. I love it! The trim looks so nice! I will have to take some before and after pictures.
Well enjoy your day and I will try to post again really soon!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Luecee and Yellow Baby!

This is baby Luecee! I made her this little yellow baby before she was even born and her Mommy has been sweet enough to email me pictures and has given me permission to share with all of you! The bottom picture is Luecee at 1 month and the top picture she is two months old. How quickly they grow! Luecee is so darn cute... I wish I could just pick her up and squish her!!! Enjoy!!

Luecee and Yellow Baby!

This is baby Luecee! I made her this little yellow baby before she was even born and her Mommy has been sweet enough to email me pictures and has given me permission to share with all of you! The bottom picture is Luecee at 1 month and the top picture she is two months old. How quickly they grow! Luecee is so darn cute... I wish I could just pick her up and squish her!!! Enjoy!!

It's been a month!

I can't believe that it has been a month since I last posted!

To give you an update as to what is going on here at the Thompson family...well...things are finally settling down from the holidays! Everyone is doing very well and getting back into the daily grind.

I finally switched my Etsy store from 4peasinapod to just under my name. I am listing new items all the time and have really been focusing on my scripture babies as shown above. The kids are working on some artwork, that I will be listing as cards soon. We've had computer issues that slowed things down a bit, but no worries!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! I will post again soon...I promise!!
